Unshackle your images from Shutterstock's watermark with a powerful editing solution.

  1. 1️⃣ Download Photo Stamp Remover software.
  2. 2️⃣ Open your image.
  3. 3️⃣ Select watermark area.
  4. 4️⃣ Click Remove Watermark button.
  5. 5️⃣ Save watermark-free image.
 Download for Free
️Posted by:
Eugene editor-in-chief of the SoftOrbits, candidate of sciences in computer science, CTO of the SoftOrbits / 📅 Last updated on:  2024-07-02

Needed a pic of a red fox mid-pounce for a hilarious meme (don't ask). Found the perfect one, but with a giant Shutterstock watermark. No way that would fly. Tried Photoshop first, but felt like brain surgery. Online tools were sketchy.
Then I stumbled on Photo Stamp Remover. Downloaded, selected the watermark, and bam! Clean image, happy fox. Felt like a superhero. Just in case, I tested some other options: phone apps (mixed bag), cropping (not ideal), and even free image sites (good in a pinch). But Photo Stamp Remover? My watermark-removing BFF.

📙Quick summary

  1. Photo Stamp Remover: Easily remove unwanted stamps, logos, or imperfections from your photos.   
  2. Clone Stamp Tool: Manual Editing   Read More
  3. Photoshop: Powerful image editing software for creating and enhancing photos. (For advanced users)   Read More
  4. Online Tools: Edit your photos directly in your web browser without any downloads.   Read More
  5. Apps for mobile phone: Snapseed, Pixlr, TouchRetouch, Facetune, Airbrush   Read More
  6. Ways for lazy edits: Crop, Search for ree images   Read More

SoftOrbits Shutterstock Watermark Remover

Although many watermarks cover a large part of the image, they are relatively easy to remove.
Programs like the Shutterstock Watermark Remover are excellent for easily deleting watermarks and logos. And the best thing is that they also work on things like date stamps, random objects in the background, other people in the photo etc.

Image watermark..
Removed stock image..

You can remove any distractions without leaving a trace!

Let us learn the quickest and easiest method for removing watermarks with the help of SoftOrbits Stamp Remover.

How to Remove Stock Watermark in 3 steps

Add File

The first step is to upload the image from which you wish to delete the watermark. When you open the SoftOrbits software, you will see the Add File option in the top left corner.

Open the image Shutterstock with watermark..

Highlight the watermark

In the toolbar on the right, you’ll see a pencil icon. This is the brush with which you can highlight the area.

The program has intelligent algorithms to help it detect the watermark on its own!
use the pencil to paint over it entirely.

Shutterstock erase watermark..

Click Remove

That’s it! Once your required area is selected, click on the Remove option at the bottom of the toolbar.

Removed image watermark..

Photo Stamp Remover Photo Stamp Remover

Watermark Remover

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Video Tutorials

Way #2: How can you use the Clone Stamp tool?

The SoftOrbits Photo Stamp Remover also gives you the option of Clone Stamp.
The advantage of this technique is that instead of relying on the program, you can manually choose the area to be replaced and the area which will be used to fill the gaps!

Remove the watermark with clone stamp tool..

What are the steps required to remove the Stock watermark?

Once your photo is uploaded, select the Clone Stamp option under the Tools tab from the taskbar on top. Your mouse pointer will change to a cross-shaped brush.
Adjust the brush size to accurately select the good area – which will be “cloned” and used to replace the watermark in the last step.
Hold down the Alt key and brush over the good area with a left click.
When you are done selecting, release the Alt key.

#step: Go to the watermarked area and paint over it with a right click. As you click and paint, you will see the previously selected area replacing the watermark.

Don’t forget to clean up the edges of the cloned object at the end using the quick removal method.

🪄 Your Guide to Photo Stamp Remover and Alternatives

Ever downloaded a Shutterstock image with a pesky watermark, hindering your creative vision?
👍 Strengths of Photo Stamp Remover:
  • User-friendly Interface: Photo Stamp Remover boasts a straightforward interface, making it a breeze to navigate even for editing novices.
  • Selective Targeting: Precisely target the watermark for removal, ensuring the surrounding image remains untouched.
  • Batch Processing: Need to tackle a hoard of watermarked images? Batch processing allows you to edit multiple images at once.
  • Multiple Removal Methods: Photo Stamp Remover offers various tools like cloning and inpainting to effectively eliminate the watermark.

🤔 Considerations for Photo Stamp Remover:

  • Software Cost: While some offer free trials, most watermark removal software, including Photo Stamp Remover, requires a purchase.
  • Learning Curve: While user-friendly, mastering advanced editing techniques might take some practice.
  • Potential Quality Loss: Depending on the complexity of the watermark and image, the removal process might introduce slight imperfections.
🌟 Photo Stamp Remover is a Great Choice for:

  • Frequent Photo Editors: If you regularly encounter watermarked images, Photo Stamp Remover streamlines the process with its efficient tools.
  • Users Who Value Time: The batch processing feature allows you to conquer watermark removal tasks swiftly.
  • Those Seeking a User-Friendly Option: The intuitive interface makes Photo Stamp Remover a breeze to learn, even for beginners.
However, if you're...
  • A One-Time User: For a singular logo removal, free online tools or alternative methods might suffice.
  • On a Tight Budget: Free online tools or alternative methods offer removal without upfront software costs.
  • Concerned About Potential Quality Loss: Simpler methods like cropping might be a better option for preserving image quality.

So, dive into this guide, choose your weapon of choice, and unleash your watermark-free creativity!

Is there another way to remove Stock watermark?

The simple pencil-remover method is one of many tools the SoftOrbits program provides.
You should try the Rectangular Selection method if you have a complex watermark that cannot be highlighted and removed automatically.
This tool can also be combined with the colour selection, which detects the colour of large watermarks for easy removal!

How to remove Watermark by Color

Add File

Again, the first step would be to upload the image you want to edit. You can select multiple photos too, and use the Batch mode later to edit them together in one step.

Open the watermarked image..

Use the Rectangular Selection tool

On the right side of the toolbar, you will see a rectangular icon with dotted lines. This is the Rectangular Selection tool.
Once you have turned this on, you only need to click and drag the mouse pointer over the watermark.
A rectangular area will be created, covering the watermark in red.

Select watermark with rectangular selection..

Select Colour

Beside the Rectangular Selection tool, you will see a magic wand icon. This is the Colour Selection option.
When you turn this on, your mouse pointer will change to a cross. Use this to select the colour of your watermark. For example, if the watermark in your image is a white-grey text, click on the text so that the exact colour is chosen.
Now, the program knows not only the area where your watermark is but also its colour! So, the program will be able to remove the text of only that colour, only within that selected area.
This means that the watermark removal becomes more accurate, and there is no chance of it disturbing your background or composition!

Select watermark to remove by color..

Save Mask if needed

Use the floppy disc icon in the toolbar to save this as a mask. Later, if you have another image of the same size with the same watermark, you can directly use the mask and skip all the steps!

Save watermark mask..

Select Object Removing mode

The Object Removing option can also be found in the toolbar on the right. This selection will decide how the SoftOrbits Stamp Remover will fill in the gaps once it has removed the watermark.
The removal software provides many options like Inpainting, Texture generation and Quick Removal.
If the watermark is small and separate from the background, you can select Quick Removal.
You should experiment yourself to see which option suits which type of images!

Removal algorithm..

Click Remove

This is the last step! Once your area and colour are selected, and you have chosen which type of removal to apply, all you need to do is click on Remove.
In a few seconds, the Shutterstock watermark will be deleted and filled in with a seamless background automatically.

Clean image without the watermark..

Don’t forget to save your perfect photo!

Almost all photographers have heard about Shutterstock – an online database of thousands of images, where you have the opportunity of sharing your work and earning some extra money.
Shutterstock is great for sourcing images for your blogs, posters, office presentations or events. But there’s always one tiny problem!
The best images also come with a big, glaring watermark.
To ensure you have the perfect image – free from any distractions – it is essential to learn how to deal with watermarks.

Why should you remove the watermark?

Watermarks are just that – marks. And like any mark over your fantastic image, a watermark causes distractions.
The audience’s view gets obstructed, and your desired composition gets ruined because of a watermark.

The Shutterstock watermark will be removed automatically with just these three steps. The removal software will delete the watermark independently and intelligently fill the gaps with the background.

Is it legal to remove Shutterstock watermarks?

However, one warning!
Shutterstock watermark removal should only be done if you use the photo for commercial purposes. They are added to an image so the photographer can prove their ownership, and it would be illegal to remove them.
We’re discussing here strictly personal use, where you will not be using the image to make money. You can remove the watermark using the image for your birthday party invite or a science project.

Are there any alternate removal methods you can try?

Apart from the Photo Stamp Removal tools, several options are available.
Let us discuss some of these alternatives quickly!

Way #3: How to Remove Shutterstock Watermark using Photoshop

Photoshop does an amazing job of cleaning up watermarks if you know which tool to use. One of the easiest methods is to use the spot healing brush.
The first thing to do is create a blank layer, and then select the Spot healing brush and turn on the Sample All Layers option.

Photoshop remove watermark from images..

Beside the Sample All Layers option, there is an option for Type on the left. It would help if you changed this to Content Aware.
Photoshop will automatically detect the watermark and fill it with surrounding pixels.

Photoshop remove watermark from shutterstock..

There are numerous videos which will explain it in more detail!

Way #4: How to Remove Shutterstock Watermark Online

You can google for free websites which allow you to remove watermarks, skin spots, date stamps etc. Many programs like Inpaint and Fotor provide similar tools like object removal, spot healing and other basic editing options.

Way #5: Best Apps to Remove Watermark

At SoftOrbits, our goal is to deliver accurate and trustworthy information.

  • We pick products for reviews based on what people like and what is popular.

  • Our testing phase focuses on spotlighting the prime features of a product and identifying its most suitable software.

  • User reviews from top sites guide us in crafting our product reviews.

  • We gather feedback from our users, understanding their thoughts on SoftOrbits software and other products.

If you want to edit only smartphone images, consider using apps like Snapseed, Pixlr, and TouchRetouch.

These apps come with basic healing options which will work well for simple watermarks and even pimples, acne and wrinkles.

Way #6: Other ways to get rid of the Shutterstock watermark

If you get lazy and can’t deal with any photo editing, you can try the following idiot-proof methods:

Crop the photo

Removing the corner with the watermark or changing the aspect ratio works best if you are not worried about photo resolution and maintaining the original composition.

Search for free images

Apart from the free images available on Shutterstock, you can check out places like Pexels and Pixabay. Most probably, you’ll be able to find an alternate photo free of watermarks.

The best way to Remove Image Watermark

Watermarks are the worst type of distraction. If you want a perfect image focusing only on the light, colours and composition, you must learn how to remove watermarks.
This is where removal software like SoftOrbits Stamp Remover comes in handy. With options like clone stamp, quick removal and colour selection, you can remove watermark without disturbing your composition!
Other options like phone apps and free stock photo websites will require even fewer steps using Shutterstock remove watermark software.
However, you should remember that Stock watermarks can be removed only if you use the image privately and for personal use!