Picture To Painting Converter will transform your photos into artistic portrait paintings, keeping the process accessible without overwhelming complexity, and serve as a focused creative tool rather than a comprehensive art studio.

  1. 1️⃣ Download and Install Photo Editing Software.
  2. 2️⃣ Upload Your Photo.
  3. 3️⃣ Select Portrait Style Settings.
  4. 4️⃣ Convert Your Photo to Portrait.
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️Posted by:
Eugene editor-in-chief of the SoftOrbits, candidate of sciences in computer science, CTO of the SoftOrbits / 📅 Last updated on:  2024-05-08

As a seasoned photographer, I’ve clicked thousands of pictures, but none as special as the one I wanted to gift my mom. It had to be more than just a photo—it needed to be a portrait, a piece of art. So, I set out on a mission, choosing a software like a chef choosing the perfect spice.
I chuckled at the irony – here I was, a tech guru, fumbling through options like a novice in a darkroom. But then, light! I discovered not one, but two solutions: the intuitive Picture to Painting Converter by SoftOrbits and the mighty Adobe Photoshop. Now I am ready to make a great present for my mom.

📙Quick summary

  1. How to use SoftOrbits Picture to Painting Converter   
  2. How to use Adobe Photoshop   Read More

Testing Outcomes Unveiled:

Original photo..
Oil portrait from photo..

Original photo..
Impressionistic portrait from photo..

Way #1: Software to Convert Image to Portrait

The easiest way to tweak your picture is to use Picture to Painting Converter that's designed for that purpose. Although tools like Adobe Photoshop include filters that help with this process, Photoshop and related professional-grade tools tend to have a high learning curve and often high costs. Specialized software makes the process a lot easier and for much less cost. In fact, a program like the Photo to Painting Converter is designed specifically to handle these conversions.

How to Convert a Photo into a Portrait Painting

Adding Images

I just drag my photo into the app. I can even throw in a whole album if I’m feeling adventurous. It’s like a buffet for the converter, and it’s got an appetite.

Add photo to create portrait..

Previewing My Future Masterpiece

As soon as my image shows up, there’s this little square that’s my sneak peek into the artsy transformation. I scoot it around to find the best spot, like I’m playing hide and seek with my photo’s features.

Preview painting effect..

Pick a preset from the drop-down menu

I jump into the Presets menu, and it’s like speed dating for my photo. I keep swiping until I find The One. Then, I play around with the sliders until my picture looks like it’s ready for its museum debut.

Select preset to create a portrait..

Presets to convert photo to drawing come in four flavors.

  • Artistic — a handful of common styles that mimic nine famous artworks, including The Scream and Starry Night, and similar templates.
  • Oil Painting — a format that looks like an oil painting, with seven different styles to mimic types of oil-based prints.
  • Watercolor Drawing — three different methods of watercolors.
  • Impressionism — go abstract with three presets that mimic the great artists of the Impressionist era.

Marking My Territory

I click the Watermarks button to stake my claim. A text or logo? I can add either, just like choosing between a selfie or a signature. And voilà, a pop-up lets me fine-tune my mark like I’m branding my digital cattle.

Add watermark to portrait..

I save my masterpiece with and without my digital signature. Because sometimes, I want to show off my watermark, and other times, I want to pretend I’m mysterious.

Tweaking to Perfection

I adjust the brightness and contrast like I’m setting the mood for a romantic dinner. Saturation? I crank it up to make the colors pop like bubble wrap.

Image correction..

The Grand Transformation

I hit the yellow Run button and watch my photo turn into a portrait. It’s like watching my cake bake in the oven, but without the delicious smell.

Photo to painting..

Some presets are like high-maintenance friends; they need time and lots of processing. I watch the progress bar like I’m waiting for my coffee to brew – it’s worth the wait.

Picture to Painting Converter Picture to Painting Converter

Create Perfect Imitations of Real Paintings from Your Photos

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Video Tutorials

Convert Normal Pic To Portrait

Using Picture to Painting Converter software helps you turn one or more photographs into beautiful works of art, without paying for the cost of a more complex program and without the complexity of navigating all the extra bells-and-whistles.

Source image with apple..
Mozaic painting from photo..

Source image with apple..
Abstract painting from photo..

My experience and expertise in Converting Photo to Portrait

Here's my analysis on using SoftOrbits Picture To Painting Converter to convert photos to artistic portraits, along with an alternate method like Adobe Photoshop:
👍 Strengths of SoftOrbits Picture To Painting Converter for Photo to Portrait Conversion:
  • User-friendly interface: Picture To Painting Converter offers an intuitive and beginner-friendly interface, making it accessible even for those without extensive digital art or photo editing experience.
  • Variety of artistic styles: The software provides a range of artistic styles and effects to choose from, allowing me to experiment and find the perfect look for my portrait conversions.
  • Customizable settings: I appreciate the ability to adjust various settings, such as brush stroke size, color palette, and canvas texture, giving me control over the final output.
  • Efficient batch processing: The batch processing capabilities of Picture To Painting Converter save me a significant amount of time and effort when working with multiple photos.

🤔 Trade-offs of SoftOrbits Picture To Painting Converter:

  • Limited advanced editing capabilities: While Picture To Painting Converter excels at its primary function of converting photos to artistic portraits, it lacks the advanced editing capabilities found in comprehensive photo editing software like Photoshop. I cannot make detailed adjustments or selectively edit specific areas of the portrait.
🌟 When SoftOrbits Picture To Painting Converter might be the best choice for me:

  • I need a user-friendly and accessible tool specifically designed for converting photos to artistic portraits.
  • I require a variety of artistic styles and customizable settings to achieve my desired look.
  • I value efficient batch processing capabilities for working with multiple photos.
  • I don't require advanced editing features beyond basic photo-to-portrait conversion.
When I might consider Adobe Photoshop:
  • I require advanced editing capabilities and a comprehensive set of tools for more complex photo manipulation and editing tasks.
  • I'm comfortable with Photoshop's steep learning curve and willing to invest time in mastering its features.
  • I have the budget to afford Photoshop's relatively higher cost.

For my specific needs of converting photos to artistic portraits, I find SoftOrbits Picture To Painting Converter to be a suitable choice due to its user-friendly interface, variety of artistic styles, and efficient batch processing capabilities. However, if I require more advanced editing features or plan to use the software for broader photo editing tasks, Adobe Photoshop might be a better option, albeit with a steeper learning curve and higher cost.

SoftOrbits Picture to Painting Converter

The SoftOrbits Picture to Painting Converter is a dedicated program for Windows that converts one or more pictures into images that have been modified to look as if they were painted. Through built-in filters that mimic famous artworks, oil paintings, watercolors, and impressionistic pieces, the photo to portrait painting software offers one-click transformations. Many of those filters offer fine-tuning sliders to further personalize the final product. Also, the program offers basic image-editing tools to crop, rotate, and photo-correct the image either before or after you apply your favorite template. You can even apply watermarks to protect your intellectual property or to act as captions.

This Method Works for Nature Photos Too

Photo with apple..
Naturmort from photo..

Photo with apple..
Naturmort from photo..

With the Picture to Painting Converter, transforming a photo is as simple as a drag-and-drop into the program and the selection of an artistic preset from the right-side menu.

Remember, the quality of the output is only as good as the quality of the input. For a painting-like photo that's worth printing and framing, start with a high-resolution image. A photo captured with a smartphone camera might be okay for online work, but professional-grade printed images are best captured with a DSLR camera. And if you wish to print your picture in a keepsake book, most commercial printers require images of at least 300 dots per inch. Although you can always scale-down a photo, scaling up a photo makes it appear pixelated.

Alternative Ways to Convert Photo to Portrait

SoftOrbits Picture to Painting Converter software offers a similar range of tools but without a $50 per month subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud. Feature-rich programs like Photoshop absolutely get the job done, but the learning curve and the price may not be worth it for people who just want to convert a few photos without having to learn a lot of abstract theory about image composition. Plus, the hardware requirements to run Photoshop on your computer are much larger than picture to portrait converter software.

Way #2: How to convert photo to portrait in Photoshop

I approach transforming images into portraits in Photoshop with a blend of technical know-how and artistic flair. Here’s how I do it:

To convert image to portrait using Photoshop

Prepare the Image

I start by opening the image in Photoshop, ready to work my magic.

Select the Subject

With the Quick Selection Tool, I swiftly select the subject. To get the edges just right, I refine them using Select and Mask.

Create a New Layer

I copy the selected subject onto a new layer. This way, I preserve the original—like keeping a cherished memory intact.

Adjust the Background

Depending on the mood, I might blur, darken, or completely remove the background, ensuring the subject takes center stage.

Apply Filters

I dive into the Filter menu and experiment with artistic filters to give the portrait a painted essence.

Adjust Colors

Play with color balance and saturation, infusing the portrait with the perfect emotional tone.

Add Texture

I add a texture overlay for that authentic canvas feel, adjusting its blending mode and opacity to just the right touch.

Final Touches

Finally, I use the Dodge and Burn tools to artfully highlight or darken areas, adding depth and dimension to the portrait.

Through these steps, I turn a simple photo into a painting that tells a story as rich as any painted portrait.

Common Conversion Questions

Best App to turn photos into paintings by SoftOrbits is generally straightforward to use, but some parts of the process sometimes prove to be a stumbling block, so we've prepared this FAQ to help you as you complete your conversions.
How to convert photo to portrait? Find here a great software for unlimited work!
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🙋Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. The Batch feature helps you to fine-tune a specific preset. Then, all the images you load into the program will convert images to portrait with those exact settings. Save the batch to a separate location so if you're not thrilled with the output, you've left the original photos unaltered. Batch mode helps you to save watermarked and non-watermarked versions of a series of converted photos.

Yes — use the Tools menu to access common options like Crop and Rotate. The Crop tool creates a bounding box overlaying the image. Either adjust the box manually or use the options in the right panel to fine-tune the output. Likewise, the Rotate tool offers a grid overlay and precision-adjustment tools in the right panel. With Rotate, you can also use the mouse the draw a line across the grid to set an initial rotation angle.

After you convert image to portrait you may adjust the resulting image. The Tools menu offers an Image Correction feature. When you select it, a new toolbox appears in the right-side menu. From there, do one of four things:
• Auto correction — let the software automatically determine optimal image-quality settings and apply them for you
• Manual correction — use the sliders to adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, temperature, tint, and gamma
• Sharpen — click to incrementally sharpen the line edges within the image
• Soften — click to incrementally soften the line edges within the image